garden design

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Low Cost Gardening: Ideas for budget gardeners

Were you surprised that gardening could cost a lot of money when you first started gardening? Each flower and vegetable ...

Bad news! Gladiolus and vegetables should not be planted together, but we did!

Have you ever heard of 'companion plants'? If you've been gardening for a while, you've probably heard of the term. When...

Planting Plan for 2021

We are making a plan for the main vegetable garden for 2021. Our biggest vegetable garden is almost square. The eastern ...

I broke the shovel…

These are the rocks which I dug out Two days ago we finished moving all the compost that we had bought into the vegetabl...
bok choy

Sowing Vegetables in the Garden

Our raised beds were not looking good because of the rotten wood on the edges so we changed them using cedar boards. Yes...

Redesigning the Front Garden

We started reorganising the front garden last year. Before that, a large part of it was taken over by orange lilies and ...

Renovation of Raised Vegetable Beds

We have two raised beds for vegetables, but the border wood was rotten a bit. So we are going to renovate them. The othe...
garden design

Getting More Sunshine to our Garden!

We are living in the woods in Canada. We don’t have urban noise or pollution, but one thing which can be a challenge is ...
cut flowers

We went to a garden centre to buy flowers and seeds

It was raining all day yesterday. We went to the gardening centre nearby to buy some flowers and seeds. We bought a few ...

I was digging the old garden and…

We have forsythia bushes in two places in our garden, but neither of them are placed where we can see them easily from o...
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