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We harvested edamame!

Edamame is the typical beer snack in Japan, especially in summer, when edamame is in season. Nothing can compete with th...

Propagating Clematis and Hydrangea

Yesterday, the weather improved, so we did some gardening again. We did some weeding in the morning, and after lunch, I ...

We Came Back to Canada and Sowed Vegetable Seeds Directly in the Ground

This year, I was away from Canada from the end of March to the beginning of June. I normally don’t want to leave Canada ...

Propagating Geraniums from Cuttings using Perlite

Outside it's still snowing and icy in Canada, but inside it's warm thanks to our wood stove. We have some pots of gerani...

A series of problems in the house

This summer, for some reason, a series of problems at home has been getting on top of us. Because of the dark, cold and ...

Under the maple tree, I transplanted Clematis-Propagating Clematis by cuttings

The clematis I've been trying to propagate by cuttings seems to have taken root, so I've transplanted them. Clematis is ...

Eddos are growing day by day! Our star plant in 2021

Some eddos which we had bought at the supermarket sprouted, so we planted them, wondering if these tropical plants work ...

Artificial pollination of courgette (zucchini): What’s the difference between male and female flowers?

The courgette plant has male and female flowers, but the chances of natural pollination are not very high, so it’s bette...

Making garden salad with the vegetables we harvested!

The vegetables are now getting ready to be harvested. Today we harvested lettuce, arugula, radishes and cucumbers. We al...

Some ginger has sprouted and so we planted it

Some ginger had sprouted so we tried to plant it, although I thought it was a little too late to grow ginger. I prepared...
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