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Transplantation of Spring Onion and Parsley

The spring onions which I am regrowing have grown into a decent size soI transplanted them in the ground. At the same ti...

Renovation of Raised Vegetable Beds

We have two raised beds for vegetables, but the border wood was rotten a bit. So we are going to renovate them. The othe...

Red Trillium, A Wild Flower in Quebec

This is a flower called "Trillium" which appears in several places in the garden every year. White trinium seems to be a...

Winds in the Countryside: The Downside of Life in the Woods

We've been living in the countryside in Canada since the lockdown in March 2020. I could say most of this country is rur...

Cucumbers planted in tea bags germinate! The root is stretching outside the bags

I planted cucumber seeds in tea bags and all of them germinated. It's amazing. on 6 May 2021 They are very healthy and t...

Why are the leaves of tomato seedlings curled up? What causes tomato leaves to curl and die?

The edge of a tomato seedling's leaf is starting to curl inwards. These tomato plants were grown from seed and placed on...
bean sprouts

We are lacking heat…

Three days ago, I started to grow bean sprouts in the kitchen. Today is the third day, but it doesn’t look like anything...
garden design

Getting More Sunshine to our Garden!

We are living in the woods in Canada. We don’t have urban noise or pollution, but one thing which can be a challenge is ...
bean sprouts

Can we Grow Bean Sprouts in the Kitchen?

I love bean sprouts, but it is not easy to buy fresh bean sprouts in the shops nearby. Bean sprouts are young shoots of ...

Planting flowers and vegetable seeds in the garden

We went to the garden centre to buy some flower and vegetable seeds when it was raining the other day. Today, we planted...
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