Yesterday, the weather improved, so we did some gardening again. We did some weeding in the morning, and after lunch, I planted tomato seeds in a seeding container.
Tomatoes are not difficult to grow, but I think it is better to grow seedlings indoors first and then transplant them into the garden.
We have two different kinds of variety of tomato seeds which are Gardeners’ Delight and Peacevine. We bought both of them last year, and they worked well, so we would like to grow them again this year.
They should germinate in a few days as the temperature is warm enough now.
I also took some cuttings from a Clematis and a Hydrangea. I would like to propagate them from cuttings. In fact, I did it last year, and the hydrangeas worked well, but unfortunately the clematis didn’t.
Clematis is relatively easy to grow from cuttings, but I think they didn’t have enough time to develop their roots in the ground after I transplanted them in the garden, which was about one month before the first frost. They didn’t come back so far this year and so I want to try it again.

I cut their stalks, removed the big leaves and stuck them into the soil so that they could grow their roots more easily, I hope. I am not worried about the hydrangea because we successfully propagated them last year, and they are growing day by day.
The variety of hydrangea is not as varied as the ones we have in Japan. It may be because the weather is much colder here than in Japan and we have to have the cold-resistant species. Still, they are beautiful, and I am happy to be able to plant more of them again this season.
The cuttings of the clematis and hydrangea will develop their roots in a few weeks, and then I will transplant them into our flower beds at the end of the season.